Five Signs Which Show Decreased Testosterone

Testosterone is a sex hormone produced in the testes in men (Cells of Leydig). Testosterone is responsible for male sexual characteristics. Occasionally, free testosterone levels in the blood go down and at this time, men will begin to suffer from adverse conditions. Here are five signs you are suffering from decreased testosterone.

Reduced sex drive- Testosterone is responsible for both male and female libido. It is natural for sex drive to reduce as you age. But if you are young and your libido has declined drastically, it may indicate low testosterone levels. Please note that other factors like lack of sleep, stress, illness can also reduce sex drive.

Erectile dysfunction- People who are suffering from low testosterone levels may show erectile dysfunction. But it is not true that testosterone alone is responsible for helping men achieve erections. The connection between testosterone and erectile dysfunction is not fully established. But testosterone does stimulate the production of nitric acid in the brain which assists in achieving erections.

Low volume of semen- Semen, also called seminal fluid, contains spermatozoa. As testosterone levels increase, so do semen levels. On the other hand, men who are suffering from low testosterone levels show less semen volume during ejaculation. It is also true that if the testosterone levels drop too low, men may start suffering from infertility.

Hair loss- Low testosterone levels can cause hair loss. It is a myth that too much free testosterone in the blood causes balding. There are any number of reasons why this (balding) happens. It is natural for some men to start balding when they become older. However, men who have low testosterone levels show premature balding, with a corresponding loss of facial and body hair.

Loss of muscle mass- Testosterone plays a very important role in muscle building. Men who are suffering from low testosterone levels will see a reduction in muscle strength and mass. Low testosterone also decrease bone mass in men (and women). So people suffering from low testosterone levels have more chances of suffering from bone fractures. If you can somehow increase testosterone levels in your blood, this can be reversed.

Apart from these five, it also results in changes in mood. It is well known that women experience mood swings during menopause because of a drop in estrogen levels. Did you know that men can also experience similar mood changes due to a drop in their testosterone levels? Testosterone not only influences physical processes it also affects intelligence and cognitive functions. It is now known that men suffering from low testosterone levels are more at risk for experiencing irritability, depression and problems with focusing.

This shows that testosterone is a very important hormone for men. Low testosterone levels should be treated quickly lest it begins to affect your life negatively.

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